Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa, my mom never lets me buy toys at the grocery store, we don't get cereal with marshmallows and I love everything I see on TV. All year long I've been keeping a list of the things I'd like to have. Instead of asking can I have this I’ve been asking "can I add this to my list?" (so now it’s really long) Some of these things, I know, will not fit in the sleigh but most of them will. I've been a really good big sister this year and I am doing excellent in school. I wanted to let you know that I will be in Washington for Christmas so please visit me there. I repeat I will NOT be in Florida; I will not be at my house, or sleeping in my bed. I will be in Washington State (not DC). Where ever I am I promise to leave you a tasty treat and some veggies for the reindeer too. Please put it on your map; Macynn S. and her sister Markee will be in Washington State! Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Clause. Love, Mace

Sunday, November 02, 2008

"BIG Papa"

The rocking giraffe "BIG Papa" carved for me Papa and his great-grand Schmid girls
Big Papa in the Caribbean
Ohhhh we're on Melbourne Beach FL.
Feeding Markee in the mall
In the pool with Papa.
Funny Papa, singing Ra Ra Ra Boom de'iay!!
Meeting Big Papa for the first time
Cruising with Big Papa
We love and will miss you always!

54˚ in FL!

Le'me git that boogie.
Holy Hat Hair, Batman!
Dis Wok.
Konkie ee'yuh
Its never to cold to play in the dirt!
Let's Roll
Mom says, "What a great investment." &
"We totally got our monies worth."
We love double our stroller. It been in more pictures than Daddy!

Sugary Sassypants Soliciting Sweets