Friday, December 22, 2006

...More Cruising

Big Papa, and Dad, having breakfast by the pool Antie Cole, and Todd filling me with sugar. Papa Mark, Mom, and me catching some sun Uncle 'Siah, Mom, Grammy, and me.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More Cruise Adventures

At the ruins with the extended family. Watching the show with Dad The first day of shivers, sweats and being sick. Stocking up on agua with my Nani before the long tour.

Fancy Dinners

Belize, City Tour Costa Maya, Mayan Ruins Grand Cayman, Our first stop! This ant eater like animal, related more closely to rhinos and hippos, poops green. I touched it, ewwww!

Getting Onboard

Getting My Toes Ready For The Cruise

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Good News

I know, I know. For those of you who are looking for new pics of this little lady on a regular basis, your probably getting fed up with my lack of posts. I apologize. We've dropped, thrown, and watched in horror as our camera bounced away from us so many times now that the quality of pictures has severly deminished. Anyhow, good news. Were pooling out birthdaygift money (Joel and I) and splurging on a new top of the line digital. You know me, I'm just crazy excited. My every week posting habits will return to normal very very soon. Until then here are a few more low qualitly, kinda fuzzy, cropped to edit out bubbles pics of Mace and Friends.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Baking with Aunti Banani

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.....Mmmmmmm, Good!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Puddle Jumping

A warm and wet afternoon!

Lovely Little Wedding

Macynn and Papa Kevin
Princess and Grama Nini
Mommy Kisses @
Heidi & Adam McNeeley's wedding
August 19th 2006
Camas WA

Thursday, August 03, 2006